Market volatility is the biggest external factor affecting the margins of all farmers in the UK beef supply chain.
Guaranteed returns through Meadow Quality
Underwritten finishing schemes are an excellent method of managing risk across your farming business. Returns are guaranteed throughout time on farm, guided by the expertise and reputation of the Meadow Quality team.
Meadow Quality are proud to present a range of finishing contracts to forward thinking farmers that offer the flexibility to work around the units other enterprises but provide stability to the bottom line.
How it works...
Our finishing contracts work with a unique formula, away from the traditional deadweight variables and rewarding efficient farmers for driving health and nutrition.
Our schemes also complement the drive towards sharing the benefits of conversion to an Approved Finishing Unit for beef finishers in areas where TB breakdowns are a risk.
Guaranteed returns through Meadow Quality
All contracts work with the Meadow Quality Reared Calf, drawn twice and delivered to farm specifically for each finishing unit. Regular support and visits by dedicated account managers then guide the growing and finishing cycle until the point of processing.
With the strong belief that our supply chains should be transparent, we regularly welcome the opportunity to visit rearing and finishing units within the MQ network.