Modern Slavery Policy

This policy applies to all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity. This includes employees at all levels including agency workers, volunteers and contractors.

Meadow Quality Ltd (MQ) prohibits the use of Modern Slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain. We have and will continued to implementing controls aimed at ensuring that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within our organisation. We expect our suppliers to be vigilant in this regarding their own employees.

We shall be a company that expects everyone working with us or on our behalf to support and uphold the following measures to safeguard against modern slavery.
• We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in our organisation
• The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our organisation is the responsibility of all those working for us and on our behalf, Workers must not engage in, facilitate or fail to report any activities that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy.
• We are committed to engaging with our directors and suppliers to address the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.
• We take a risk-based approach to our contracting processes and keep them under review. We assess whether the circumstances warrant the inclusion of specific prohibitions against the use of modern slavery and trafficked labour in our contact with third parties. As a business that deals with a large quantity of small business suppliers our field team have a duty to report any concerns after any visit to farm.
• Consistent with our risk-based approach we may require:
    a) employment and recruitment agencies and other third parties supplying workers to our organisation to confirm their compliance with this policy
    b) Suppliers engaging workers through a third party to obtain that third parties agreement to our policy.
• As part of our ongoing risk assessment

As a commitment to upholding our Modern Slavery Policy it is part of our Employee Handbook that is given to all new members of staff and will be made part of our terms and conditions.
