Livestock For Sale
As part of our personal service, we conduct covid-compliant visits, providing on-farm valuations to verify all livestock for sale with us. We also arrange haulage and offer 100% security on payments. All livestock that we advertise on our trading pages has been inspected and valued by our experienced team of livestock marketing professionals.
Livestock For Sale

29 Continental Stores & 1 Lim Rigg 📍Exeter
20 steers (including 1 Rigg) 10 Heifers All Char x except: 1 Luing, 4 Welsh Blacks & 4 Lims Rigg, vet inspected, one testicle cant ‘come down’ kept separate born 31.8.24 330kg No Horns, 4

55 TB Restricted Stores 📍Carmarthenshire
26 AA Steers 1 Hereford Steer 28 AA Heifers August to December 2023 born (Hereford June’24)

20 Friesians 📍Somerset
50% Steers/50% Heifers Out of British Fri type cows, expecting 270-300kg carcasses FAABL Includes 3 Herefords (1steer 2hfrs) Not Tb tested

45 Suckler Bred Continentals 📍Cornwall
Charolais or Lim bull on 80-85%, 2 Brit Whites, odd Angus/shorthorn All homebred except one bought in Angus calf shaved backs/wormed/fluked, touch of ringworm Meal blend + grass silage Tb injected 17/2/25 clear

16 Gelbvieh x Stabiliser Bred 📍Cornwall
9 steers Av 240-250kg (200-290kg) 9-11 months except one @ 15 months 7 heifers Av 250-260kg (range 225-290kg) 9-12 months Tb tested clear to move Not in Blue Tongue zone

40-50 TB Hereford Calves 📍Pembrokeshire
Registered Sires Suitable for an isolation unit Mix breed cows

27 Organic Suckler Bred Yearlings 📍Wiltshire
Angus & Shorthorn bull on Angus & Shorthorn cows Tb tested In Blue Tongue zone require a Blood test to go to clean area. At least 7 with horns

18 Weaned Continentals 📍Somerset
14 B/blues; 4 Lims Ringworm present on at 8 but they have been treated for lice & Ringworm Bought as calves from market and reared on Tb tested, but will need blood testing as in

15 TB Restricted Beef X 📍Dorset
11 B/blues (3 steers 8 heifers) 4 Angus (3 steers 1 Heifer) Angus named sired Tb restricted, in Blue Tongue zone

20 Single Suckled Shorthorn/ Red Angus X/ Devon X
10 Steers 10 Heifers BVD free and IBR vaccinated Accredited high health farm Blue Tongue Zone TB tested and ready to go
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